Sunday, March 29, 2009

Creating a Life After Retirement

Retirement can introduce a great dilemma to elderly people. While they welcome the change with excitement, they could also have feelings of fear as they move to the next stage in their lives. The excitement comes from being able to stay home and relax, to have time for their family, and to do whatever it is that they have always thought of doing. The fear, on the other hand, comes from feelings of uncertainty about their future, because it's already knocking at their door.

If your parents have come to this point in their lives, do not think that they have it better than you. They may have lost the stress and anxiety associated with their jobs, but they now face another hurdle, getting old, weak, and being alone. This is probably the time that they would need you most, although sometimes they might deny it. Take time to visit your folks regularly, they would always welcome the company. Make sure that they are getting what they need and help if you must around the house. Some parents are afraid to look weak in the eyes of their children and would not ask for help directly. So just be there and tell them that you are just a phone call away of they ever need anything.

Be sensitive to your parents' well-being; it is not unusual for your mom and dad to need a stay in helper or a stay in nurse if they are ailing from a sickness. Additionally, make sure that they are handling their finances well, there are certain changes that they have to deal with once they retire and as they grow older.

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