Saturday, March 28, 2009

Currency Trading - Are You Really Into Forex Day Trading?

There are many ways to trade the forex market and forex day trading is one of them. Although it is gaining popularity, forex day trading or forex scalping as it is more commonly called, is one of the more risky way to trade the currency market. It is a high paced game and requires a different skill set as compared to other forms of forex investments.
If you're the type who likes the excitement and high adrenalin game of trading, forex day trading could be the one for you. It may even be more profitable than long term forex trading. This is because you can do more trades per day and assuming you are able to consistently make some profits from most of the trades, your profitability can actually be higher than that of long term traders.

Another advantage of day trading is you do not have to worry about holding the trades overnight. You will close all your trades at the end of each day and if something happens that will affect the currency of certain country over the weekends, you can still sleep in peace. On the other hand, the long term forex investor will be pouring cold sweat while waiting for the forex market to open.

Having said that, I must emphasize that forex day trading is not a bed of roses. It is a fact that more than 80% of forex day traders end up losing money. One of the reason is due to the high risk involved. Another is these traders are in the market to make quick buck and did not make an effort to do the necessary forex training to be a successful day trader.

In addition, many of the day traders are trading on borrowed money. They have high leverage against their trading account. If they risk too much on one trade and if the trade went awry, it could potentially wipe out all their previous gains and they could end up in massive debt. The risk can be minimized if a day trader put in effort to master the skills of forex day trading.

If you are keen on day trading, you can try it out, but do it with care. There are many successful day traders who take the time and effort to create a successful forex trading system that is able to make them consistent profits day in and day out. If you find that you do not have the time and energy for day trading, you should explore other forms of forex trading that suits you as there is plenty of money to be made in the currency market.

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