Saturday, March 28, 2009

Forex System Wanted - Finding Your Right Forex Trading System

When you are getting ready to jump into the forex market, you are going to have to find the right forex currency trading system that works perfectly for you. While there are many different models, there is really only one that will fit your style, you just have to find it!
You see, there are many different aspects of forex trading and you will have to base your forex trading system on what you comprehend the best. There are many different types of analysis that are using in trading currency, so don't feel forced to use a system that is successful for someone else and that you don't comprehend. Believe me, whatever your specialty is, there is a model that will fit your forex trading strategy.

Now when you are looking at the forex systems that are out there, try and match them up to your particular areas of expertise. If you don't find one, you will probably actually be able to come up with your own based on the analysis methods that you use. The key of course is to make sure that it is profitable enough.

What is the profitability of your forex system? If you were to ask 10 forex traders what the best way to test a system for profitability was, 8 of them would probably tell you back testing. The problem is that while most people like to use this method, the picture that it gives is not always the most accurate of the system.

The reason is that when you checking historical data this way, you will usually only get the picture of the most obvious set up. In reality, there may have been a less obvious set up that was actually a loser and you are missing it. What you should do is open up a demo account on a site and test drive your system with real time trading.

You will be able to track its current profitability and you will also be able to get a better feel for how it is working. As you are trying to figure out the profitability of the system, you will need to examine its expectancy and opportunity.

What are expectancy and opportunity? They are the two most important facets of what your return will during the lifetime of your trades. You can figure out expectancy by following the following equation:

Expectancy = [Probability of Winning x Average Win] - [Probability of Losing x Average Loss]. This figure will show you the average that you can expect to make from a particular trade. It should be a positive number and a higher number means more potential profits. If the figure is a negative number, it's time to go back to the drawing board.

Once you find a system that has a good expectancy, you need to figure our opportunity. The opportunity will show you how often this system can be used to trade. Multiply your opportunity factor by the expectancy factor to get your long term profitability. The more chances to trade, the more profits you can expect to make.

By examining all of the information, you will be able to find a forex trading system that will work best for you and whether you have a winner or not!

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