Saturday, March 28, 2009

Recession & You: Tips to sail through

Today, in these recessionary period, all of us are worried for some or the other thing, from investments to our employment. Some quick tips on how to sail through in these recessionary times: Life in general:
Always remember, every difficult phase is a challenge but also has an inherent opportunity. Do not panic by media news, since media news may be hyped and the real issue may be sidelined. Try to be healthy and avoid medical expenses. Take informed benefit of 'Sale', 'Discounts', 'Offers' offered by branded retail consumer goods stores. You could get a great deal. Investments:

In today's stock market era, stock markets get the worst hit due to recession. And therefore people resort to age old investment intruments like Gold, Silver. Avoid over exposure to stock markets. Take informed decision while investing; do not fall in temptation to buy stocks since they are at lower prices. Hold positions! SAVE SAVE SAVE... This should be the mantra for you. Luxuries should take a backseat. Reduce your Credit Card spendings. Re-align your consumption pattern; do not over-spend and over-consume. Avoid taking additional loans, unless it is utmost necessary. Bank Fixed Deposits, National Savings Certificates are the best & safe investment options. Employment:

Try adding a value to your academics by joining a short educational course or complete any un-completed degrees. Education does not go waste. Also, try to learn some niche skills on the job, which can give you an edge over others. Stick to your current employment. Perform more and be more productive in your job. If at all you feel to change your job, take a cautious & informed decision. Do not fall prey to misleading job advertisements. Economy:

Recessionary phase in the economy is an eye opener for everyone - Government, industry, investors, etc. Always remember, if the world is down in recession, it will come up, since everything that goes down has to come up. Believe in this Law of Economics. Believe in the Indian Economy, it is and will remain robust. Believe in YOU... - Anand Wadadekar Economist

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