Wednesday, April 1, 2009

7 Step Process of Making Money on the Internet

Ever tried making money on the internet? If you do then you could be doing either or all of the following 7 steps you need to be successful making money in the internet. If not, then you can still do so by carrying the following 7 steps.
Step One: You need to have a good product. If you don't have a good one of your own, then go ahead and make a search on the internet for a good one.

Step two: You need to have a website in order to promote your product.

Step three: You need to have a good webhost to host your website.

Step four: You need to have a good auto responder.

Step five: You need to prepare at least 7, the more the better email letters promoting your product. These letters should be plugged into your auto responder.

Step six: You need to prepare a squeeze page in order to collect names and emails for your future clients.

Step seven: You need to promote your squeeze page all over the internet.

So those are your seven steps in making money on the internet. As for me, those are tall orders.

But there is a quick way of making money on the internet without going thorough all the hassles above and yet it covers almost all the steps mentioned.

You could be making money you want on the internet by joining a program that I've joined. The name of the program is MyInstant Biz. You could be earning money on the internet while at the same time learning making money by getting involved with the program.

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