Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to a Earn Residual Income

Residual income is also known as passive income. It is an income generated through indirect involvement in something. Residual income is extra cash that you have earned as a product of another action like for example, writing a book and later you are receiving royalties on the sale of each book. Residual income is very appealing and attractive. Some people would like to free up time so they can seek other ways to earn income and others don't want to work anymore but desire income.
Here are some things to consider to earn residual income.

• In order to achieve extra income, try to consider investing your money. Popular venues to earn an income that requires an initial investment include interest, rental properties and dividends.

• Know where you are good at. Once you know what your strengths are, you can explore your skills and abilities to earn residual income.

• Create a site based on your interest and knowledge. Chances are if you are interested to something, others are interested too, and if you have a huge knowledge base to back that up, that is the prime situation for creating a site for others to link up and use that knowledge.

• Internet revenues. This is another type of popular residual income. This is money earned on web site through promoting and advertising a certain product or services. While, the initial direct work in building the business marketing web site is needed, the monthly earnings from advertising keeps on generating and this creates a passive income.

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