Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What you need to know about Forex trading

There's a truck-load of information on Forex trading available. So much so that it's bound to confuse newbies. Some people claim it's really easy to make profits from Forex trading…notably gurus who are selling something. Some experts would claim it's pretty darned hard. Well, it is neither…or both. Like most things in life, there's not one scale you can apply for all circumstances and people. It's not rocket science; any one with average intelligence can get into and acquit themselves properly. However, like any business, Forex trading requires a significant amount of preparation, planning and commitment.
There are Forex robots that can automatically trade for you or automated trading signals, which you simply have to pass on to your brokers. Even though the promoters of these services usually declare that you do not need to know anything about Forex trading to use them profitably, it is obviously makes sense to learn as much as you can before you plunge in. It is your money that is at stake here, however you have gotten it. Therefore, you need to do your research, due diligence, if you will. That said, you have to be careful to avoid analysis paralysis.

Obviously, the first thing you need is to understand the fundamentals of Forex trading. It is common knowledge that Forex trading is a based on playing currency exchange rates, for instance buying a currency at a lower rate and selling when the rate increases. While this is the core of it, there are many things to learn about how exactly the whole system works in order to make real profit.

Forex Terminology

You should make sure you check out definitions or explanations of common Forex terminology. You will encounter a number of terms such as trends, breakout, stop loss, pips, spreads and so on while researching on Forex strategies. Therefore, you need to learn what each term means. There are a lot of websites on the Internet that provide explanations of Forex terms for free.

Forex Quotes

Another very important thing you need to know is how to read Forex quotes. Remember, the Forex quotes are listed in pairs, such as USD/JPY 108.32. In a currency pair, the first currency is the base currency. The number indicates the rate of the second currency (counter currency) against 1 unit of the base currency. In case of USD/JPY 108.32, 1 USD is equivalent to 108.32 JPY. This simply means that you can buy 108.32 JPY with 1 USD.

There is another form of Forex quoting that consists of a bid and an ask price. An example of this would be USD/CAD 1.2000/1.2009. Here 1.2000 CAD is the Bid (Sell) price and 1.2009 CAD is the Ask (Buy) price. The quote means that you can buy 1 USD with 1.2009 CAD and if you sell 1 USD you will get 1.2000 CAD.

How Trading is Conducted

Once you are confident in your understanding of the basics of what Forex trading is, start researching on how trades are conducted. What happens when you buy a currency pair? What charges will you have to pay, if any? What other factors influence or are influenced by the trade? This will give you a theoretical knowledge of what you are going to try out practically once you set up your account and start trading in reality.

Forex Strategies

In order to be profitable at Forex Trading, you should have a Forex strategy that you follow. It obviously wouldn't work to stare at the Forex charts, try to determine the trends of the current price then buy a currency that you think is going up in price and hope that it does not reverse. Forex trading is based on speculation, but you have to make sure you speculate as correctly as possible. In order to do this, you should follow a tried and tested Forex strategy. There are long-term as well as short-term strategies. You can choose one based on your comfort level.

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